A No No Guide To Parenting!!!!! 6 Things Not To Do With Or To Your Child
Ever saw a mum or a dad with their kids and said to yourself
how on earth are they allowed to raise a child. I’m not talking about the odd
telling off or light smacking. I’m talking about the mum smoking with her 11 year
old daughter or the dad sharing a beer with his 14year old son. I have seen the
smoking one myself and heard about the drinking.
There are even worse parenting
out there and these people are just getting away with it. There was a story
about a wannabe WAG mum Laura Palmer in the dailmaily this week who allegedly
spends most of her money doing herself up rather than taking care of her
children. While she was out partying her neighbours found her children outside
running around naked covered in faeces but yet she was spared jail when she
went to court.
All these must make you wonder why people decide to have kids when clearly they are not ready to raise them. Unfortunately
there are still some parents out there up to no good. If only the poor little
ones or someone can say or do something about their situation, that will make such a huge
difference. I know most people including myself have had their fair share of parenting guilt trip but some parents her just horrible.
I came across a few images on dailymail which just speaks
volume about the adults trusted to look after theses poor kids. I hope by
showing these pictures, they get caught and punished. Some of the pictures were intended as jokes but clearly a cringe worthy one that isn’t even funny.
To the innocent parents: Please be watchful of the people looking after your kids.
To the horrible parents: You brought your children to this world, take care of them because they didn't ask to be here,so do your job and do it well!!!!
To the innocent parents: Please be watchful of the people looking after your kids.
To the horrible parents: You brought your children to this world, take care of them because they didn't ask to be here,so do your job and do it well!!!!
See below in picture the 6
things not to do with or to your child. Talk about stating the obvious; please
share your views below. All I have to say is May GOD help and protect these
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